1984 Miracle Yearbook
NCO , ChiOrIC Blessed Year For Brass Choir usic is a gift, a great gift from our great and glorious God. Each year the Cedarville College Brass Choir attempts to praise the matchless name of our Saviour through the medi- um of instrumental music. Fall quarter, 1983 brought a flurry of activities to the Brass Choir. October 18 and 19found the group performing for Prism IV followed by the Fall Band and Brass Choir Concert in November. Both these concerts featured a wide variety of classical brass music. Winter quarter was a time to pre- pare for the annual Spring Tour. Hymn arrangements, gospel tunes, and sa- cred literature were put together into a God honoring program to be taken into churches and Christian schools. The tour was a highlight of the year. The Lord provided the opportunity to do 10 concerts in 9days in the state of Florida where many beautiful lessons were learned and blessings exper- ienced as the group ministered to and stayed with many Christian families. Spring quarter brought final activities of the year, including the Brass Choir sacred Home Concert on April 6, and the annual performance for the Hon- or's Day Chapel on May 4. The group's finale concert came as it performed in the Gabrieli Festival along with the Wit- tenberg University and Wright State University Brass Choirs on May 13. So ended a long but blessed year of musical service and performance for the Cedarville College Brass Choir. by Mr. Pagnard First row: Mr.Pagnard(conductor),J Warren,S. Simpson,K. Beattie,D. Berdy,G. Wallace.Second row:T. Phillips, A.Jensen,E. Supplee,D. Carey, R. Carey,W.Bony, B. Crump.Third row:T. Smith, J. Switzer, J. Benzing, D. Simpkins,S. Wood,D. Price, T. Knowles,G.Rouster. Not pictured:S. Clark, E. Henderson, L. Lehto. 133
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