1984 Miracle Yearbook

ei©ffiNdifK] bc]ihquV "Beauty And The Beast" T he evening of April 14, 1984, had finally arrived. I must admit; how- ever,that I questioned at times wheth- er we would be ready. Endless phone calls, long meetings, various commit- tees, food, decorations, sound, light- ing, pictures, and entertainment re- quired our very best planning. The most tedious job came the evening before the banquet when we trans- formed the cafeteria into a medieval castle. Fun, food, and fellowship kept us perservering through the night. In the back of our minds,we were asking, "What have we forgotten?" At the king's request ev. eryone enjoyed a delight. ful evening of "theater-in. the.round." As I sat enjoying my meal, I reflected on the hard work and numerous hours invested to produce a successful Gamma Chi banquet. I smiled be- cause I realized that, in preparing for the banquet, the frustrations and problems were just as important as the progress. Along with the spectacular en- trance of the king, "Beauty and the Beast" highlighted the evening. At the king's request everyone enjoyed a de- lightful evening of "theater-in-the- round" in Gamma Chi's enchanted Castle of Dreams. What a pleasure and blessing from the Lord to have been part of that experience. by Christine J. Hart GX Banquet 139