1984 Miracle Yearbook

Nible Clubs . Changinglives with the Wordof God . . ." — Mrs. Agnes Howell First row: Kris Parman, Becky Reid, Second row: Mary Jo Savage, April Augustus, Wendi Figary, Sharon Banzhof, Marla Fuller, Third row Sylvie Rin- derknecht, Jacqueline King, Jennifer King, Linda Ladygo, Dave Dooley, Andy Wilson „Master's Puppets 11 "... we really enjoy the opportunity to share Christ with others . . Howev- er, we ourselves learn to trust in God totally and to change and strengthen our own lives." Jack Homer Brian Taylor, Sue Moser, Lori Pitonyak, Susan Ol- sen, Jon Weber, Jack Homer "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." (7'ohm 3:18) 160 Christian Ministries