1984 Miracle Yearbook

Tolima men and maidens, old mem and children. r'et them praise the name of the ,Cord, or Nis name alone is exalted; irlis splendor is above the earth and the heavens. (Psalm 148:12, 13) jiaster's PuppetsI "People are different all over the country. I loved traveling, staying in various homes, and getting to know my five team members so well. The only dreary part wascoming in at2:00 AM Monday and sleeping through my 8:00 and 9:00 classes." — Dave Williams Greg Dudrow,Marlene Siefert,Scott Moyer,Julie Stitt, Deb Richardson, Dave Williams Sullumlaud Villa Rest Now The opportunity to share with and learn from these genuine people has shown us our need to be more com- passionate." — Barry Hutchins Shelly Brown,Barry Hutchins(group leader),Rose Rasmusson, Loretta Walsh Christian Ministries 167