1984 Miracle Yearbook
"Whoever serves me mistfollow me; and where Iam, lig servant also will be. 3ather will honor the ome who serves me." (Mx 12:26) Dayton Detention Rome The spirit of the Lord is on me be- cause he has annointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prison- ers."(N.I. James Beight, Ann Blessing, Susan Briggs, Julie Butler, Lisa Campbell, Mark Craig (Group lead- er), Teresa Crampton, Tim Davis, Brian Deffet, Kristi Massie, Scott Mitchell, Sandy Pratt, David Skiles, Kurt Summersville, Donna Thomas, Mark Tinner, Coreen Wilcox, Laura Wuestner Image Our group was organized to pro- vide special music for other Christian Service teams involved in youth minis- try." — Alice Boyd "But we all, with unveiled face be- holding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the sameimage from glory to glory,just as from the Lord, the Spirit."(II Corinthians 3:18) Alice Boyd, Becky Ackley, Jody Peters, Dave Robinette, David Walters, Not pictured Brian Maddox, Lisa Tyson Christian Ministries 175
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