1984 Miracle Yearbook

Philippines llasketball Z:eanr "I wanted first-hand experience to see what it's like to serve on a foreign mission field. We Americans are some- whatspoiled;Ianticipatesome difficul- ties with the heat and the inconven- iences, but these experiences will aid in becoming more like Jesus Christ. That's the whole purpose for our being saved." — Chuck Pyatte Kneeling: Chad Breeson, Todd Geist, Chuck Pyatte,Brad Breeson,Standing:Don Callan(Ad- visor, Jon Breeson, Tod Reinhart, Dave Yeager, Charles Jackson, Dave Gaffner New Vork Spring lgreak Z"eani The idea ofgetting up in front of40 to 50strangers in asubway is frighten- ing. Before you do it, your stomach is full of butterflies, but when you're fin- ished you feelsatisfied and are glad to have been a part of spreading the gospel." — Steve Meyer Steve Meyer, Amy Dykes, Mark Home "-eke in hammy with one another. Do Hot be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. (12onians 12:16) 176 Christian Ministries