1984 Miracle Yearbook

No' Ending One Era, Beginning /7/Another A s March, 1984 weather came roar- ing in, the softball season arrived and fourteen girls came together to form the final slow pitch team for Ce- darville. This was the first miracle as God took a variety of different person- alities to form a unit. Inspite of the " the Lady Jackets were able to come through the sea• son with the best softball re• cord ever at Cedarville with a 25.11 record. Lord's working in nature, with the res- cheduling and postponing of several games plus a tournament, patience was taught and servanthood prac- ticed as seven games were won by one point and eight games were lost by one point. However, miracles did not cease there; the Lady Jackets were able to come through the sea- son with the best softball record ever at Cedarville with a 25-11 record. With only three starters missing for next years team,the 1985 team should be able to better their record as they en- counter a new,difficult,and challeng- ing season of fast-pitch play. by Laurie Benedict. 206 Softball