1984 Miracle Yearbook

Back To Kansas City t has been very exciting for me to I devote much of my time and ener- gy with the Cedarville men's tennis team.Our team has worked very hard regaining strength after losing four sen- iors from last year's team. Through great coaching, hard work,and God's enablement, we have been very suc- " we have been very suc- cessful capturing the Mid Ohio Conference title and the Dis- trict 22 title." cessful capturing the Mid Ohio Confer- ence title and the District 22 title. In capturing the district title, we will not only represent district 22, but also Je- sus Christ at The NAIA National Tennis Championships in Kansas City. by Shawn C. Huck 2/6 Men's Tennis First Row: Bruce Richards, Thurman Payton, Steve Caswell, Frank Terkelsen, Mike Basler, Jim Murdoch;Second Row:Coach Murray Murdoch, Jeff Reynolds, Ray Johnson, Shawn Huck, Gary Corio, Rick Meeks