1984 Miracle Yearbook

Golfers Attain Goals G olf season 1984 transpired into another successful year with a re- cord of 12 wins and 3 losses. Personal goals were achieved by each team memer,and the overall attitude of the "The success of the team can berecognized by the outputof the golfers themselves ..." season was victory. The team was credited with being Co-Champions of the Mid-Ohio Con- ference with Malone and furthered their success with the NAIA District 22 championship. The success of the team can be recognized by the out- put of the golfers themselves, but mainly through the miraculous way that the Lord worked through the golfers as a team. John Greenwood 218 Golf Coach Dr. Allen Monroe,Bob Fires, John Greenwood,Richard Chasse,Tom Ewing,Dave Kahn,Tom Greve, Mike Reed.