1984 Miracle Yearbook
Campus Organizations Pi Sigma Nu Sigma Noo Def. Male collegians who devise xtensive initiation procedures, ponsor a softball tournament, ost a skating party, and plan a pring chapel series. irst row:Jim Atkinson,Dave Clark,Brent ong, Dave Ormsbee (Advisor), Jeff rueger, John Powell (Treas.), Tom Fite, rent Coeling, Dave Bowser (Pres.), Sec- nd row — Jerry Gorham, DeMaurice mith, Wayne Anderson, Mike Morgan, eff Dilley (Vice Pres.), Barry Kane, Tim oodard,Todd Gueist,John Madderman, ot pictured: Joe Walker (Sec.), Brian ellwig re-Law Society ef. All alliance for those aspir- g to careers in law. Insight in eaned from hosting special akers and collecting facts on w schools. 11 Stebbins,Richard Haywood,Dan Mul- olland, Lorene Norton (Sec.), Scott aynes(Vice Pres.),Joe Halsey (Sponsor), beryl Phillips (Pres.), David Hale,Susan lake, Matt Henderson. Pi Sigma NU Pre-Law Society 234 Organizations
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