1984 Miracle Yearbook

•tudent Senate ef. Student legislatures of Ce- arville College. First row:Jill Stebbins, Robin Campbell, Gary Cooke, Connie Kirby, Gillis West (Chap.), Robin Bowling (Sec.). John Jack- son (Pres.),Jim Liebler.Tammy Cox,Dave' Smyth, Elaine Stone, Jay Benson (Proj. Chrmn.), Second row: David Edwards, Amy Jo Guest, Pete Bishop, Julie Kolk-'. man, Ben Smith, Julie Mears, Paul Jones Carol Herriman, Rod Smith, Tim Bishop, Third row: John Little, -Joy Hart, John Adkins, Ruth Withrow, Paul Hayes, Ra- chel Wilson, Matt Biggs, Kathleen Kirby, Dan Mulholland,Fourth row:Joe Walk-- er, Heidi Hemphel, Andy Wilson, Cather le Farley,Jim Barber (Vice Pres,l,Sony ichols Mark Horne. Kim Murphy, Ted owne, Kathi Harris, Gary Barker. Not ictured: Larry Schweinsburg (Treas.)_ wordbearers ef. Students who minister to ea churches through their ser- ices. irst row: Angela Zaugg, Dawn Baugh-, n, Sherry Frank, Dave Piper (Presi-: ent), Joy Harden, Kim Searles, -WY unge.Second row:Karen Dubbal,Jenni* attic+, Kristin Weber,Donna Birch, Lori e Barram,Third row: Larry Reichard, avid Johnson, Bryan Crump,Sonya Ni ds, Jeff Piper, Fourth row: Jon Height, eve Emmons. Brian Hedges Student Senate Swordbearers 236 Organizations