1984 Miracle Yearbook

Idd'qoaid©I] 20caiN Creating Miracles cared?!?! You bet. Being a transfer a student in charge of the yearbook has,to say the least, been a real learn- ing experience. At times, as with all editors I suppose, it seemed as if this book would never be completed. It was during these "down times" that the Lord seemed to be telling me that "His grace was sufficient for me." Now here at the end of this book I can cer- tainly tell you that His grace is totally sufficient. Wait a minute! Before you go to put this book on some forgotten shelf I want to let you know that it's our hope as staff that you might pull this year- book down sometime later in life and be reminded of your year at the 'Ville. Not only the "good" times, but of our theme and of His desire for your best. Lastly, a genuine thanks to all who have disciplined and dedicated your time, and who desired to give their best to their school and Lord. Thank you for the opportunity I have had to learn, grow and enjoy. JEFFREY H. WASSENAAR 1983-84 MIRACLE Editor Jeff Wassenaar Editor-in-Chief racy Holtzman; Organizations r Service 242 Miracle Staff