1984 Miracle Yearbook
Marabeth Elmore Secretary, Science Department Patricia A Farrow Head Resident Judith Ann Fires Secretary to the Vice President of Development Nancy Ftssel Business Office Staff David Charles Gaffner Director of Placement Paul H. Gathany WCDR General Manager David Gidley Financial Aid Director Irene J Gidley Secretary to the President Margaret M. Green Campus Ministries Office Manager May E Greenwood Secretary to Academic Vice President Dewayne Grooms WCDR Staff Hugh T. Hall Director, Church Relations Lorraine Ann Holladay Staff, Dept. of Nursing Agnes C. Howell Head Resident Trish J Huber Staff, Social Science Dept. Sherry L Kibler Bookstore Clerk Stephan Allen Hubler Plumber Helen Hunt Secretary, Physical Plant Leigh Hunt Director of Physical Plant Judy Ann Johnson culation Supervisor/Library Harold Dale Kendall WCDR Operation Director JoAnne E. Kendall Admissions Correspondent Toinette King Staff, Education Dept Nancy A Knauff Student Services Receptionist 28 Staff
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