1984 Miracle Yearbook
tour HIS BEST requires best "GROWING AND LEARNING" T he end of our sophomore year brings us to the mid- joint of our college years at :edarville. To any of us,the two years have slipped by quickly, :Ind with only two years remain- ng,graduation day will soon be Dreaking on the horizon. But wait,just stop for a momentand :ontemplate these last two years of our lives. Think about the many close friendships we lave made, the unforgetable experiences, the thought pro- voking and mind expanding :lasses, the challenging chapel 3ervices and Christian service Dpportunities, and our deeper •elationships with the Lord. Re- lecting on these many facets of Jur lives, we can see how the -wo years already past have Deen very rewarding. To consid- er these thoughts can make us ealize that the past two years -lave not been as short as they -nay have seemed.Class, I chal- enge us to continue this grow- ng and learning process in our emaining two years here at :edarville College. James M. Reiter Sophomore Class President Contributors: ;ary Barker 98 3renda Fisher 100 Jon Weber 102 Kathy Klose '104 SOPHOMORES Layout by: <aren Beattie Sophomores 97
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