1985 Miracle Yearbook

O A° Is 4%*4* Starting From Scratch T he most unusual fact or statistic about the 1984-85 men's wrestling ream is that no ream existed or was planned when school opened.Coach Ron Comfortand several wres- tlers, however, determined to keep the pro- gram alive, and wrestling was reinstated. Composed entirely of freshmen and sopho- mores, the ream had to face opposition from formidable Division II and Ill schools in order to compere. While the season record of 2-10 be- trays the team's inexperience, the strong third pace finish or the NCCAA National meet indi- cates the growth that rook place throughout the season. Praising the perseverence of his men,Coach Comfort stated, "No single individual can be pointed out; each and every wrestler contri- buted his share to the program." Those wres- tlers returning to grapple in the 1986 season can assuredly look forward to one thing: there will be a team next year. First Row:Todd Dowden; Kelly Moore, Chris Link; Second Row:Coach Ron Comfort, Todd Hummel, Rob English, E English, Golyn Nook, Statistician, Jonis Comfort. 104 Wrestling