1985 Miracle Yearbook

Diversity Leads Team T he diversity of talent displayed by the men's track ream led the ream to several championships and a variety of impressive vic- tories. Cultivating the talent of ream members early in the winter months, Coach Elvin King saw the beginnings of a ream that would take second place at the NCCAA National meet and win several invirationals including those or West Virginia Stare, Findlay College,and the Marietta Relays. While Rob Moore copped ream MVP honors because of his strong finishes throughout the season, many orher team members contribut- ed significantly to the season's success. The team members set school records in five differ- ent events, further demonstrating the depth and diversity of the ream's talents. Leading the distance runners, NAIA All-American Moore set a record in the 1500 meters. Sprinters De Smith and Tim Walters set records in the 100 meters and 110 meter hurdles and were also named to the NCCAA All-American ream. Serring records in thejavelin and hammer were Scott Hannay, another All-American. Always striving for excellence, the team in the form of its many members once again reached longer distances,faster times and new heights. FrontRow:Steve Cox, Rusty King, Rob Moore,Clancy Cruise, Tom Hill, De Smith, Dove Christ Dave Schumaker, Ric James, Middle Row: Gory Anderson, Eric Shrum, Tim Walters, Jo Brewin, Steve Terpstra, Joel Hayden, Clarence Eddy, Scott Hannay, Dave Moody, Bock R 112 Men's Track Manager,Doug Cherry, Dean Price, Kevin Wallace, Philip Hulbert, Marc Herrmann,Scott Broo Jim Parvis, Ron Kunrz, Coach Elvin King, Manager — Ann Blessing.