1985 Miracle Yearbook

LYNNE CAUST11 Angelo K. Cremeons Undeclared Cynthia Helen Cronroth Undeclored Clancy Colvin Cruise Bible Comprehensive Troy Dole Custodio Physicol Education Gail C. Darner Business Admnisrrotion Christine Fern Dail Elementary Education Cheryl Jean Dangler Morhematics Dionne A. Davis Business Admin /Bus Education Kimberly Anne Davis Speech Education Timothy Paul Davis Undeclared Tim M. Day Prelow Jenny Dean Business Administration Suon Marie Dean English Kelly Jo Decker Nursing Steven John DeCook Preengineenng Perry C DeFelice Physical Education Brian Patric* Deffet Business Adminarraton Shawn° Marie Denney Elementary Education Judy Kay Denning Broadcasting Matthew J. Dickinson History Debra Louise Diem Elementary Educoron Annette L. Dimocchio Business Administrotion Kendra Jean Doctor Elementary Educcithoo David Fronk Dooley Undeclared I 'm sure! Another pair of my "limited shoe collection" has been eaten up by those "heel hungry"sidewalks. My"good young" mum(my mum isn't old)sent me one of those new,fashionable, long, red Oats which about only 20 girls have. How many times my friends and I have crammed into o two-seater car to go to Dayton Mall, I'll never know; but college kids can't travel in comfort; it's unheard of. ' Who said puddle stomping and playing tackle football in the snow was "imma- ture"? No me!! The great times have far outweighed the bad times. I've grown so much in the Lord through problems that He has allowed to come my way. Who would have thought that these past two years would have been so full of outra- geous laughter, studying incredibly hard for those beloved "C's," meeting new people and getting reacquainted with old friends? If anyone said building friendships was an easy task, I would soy, "You're our of your mind." I never realized mak- ing friends rook so much time and pa- tience, but it's worth ir. As I have grown closer to the Lord, I've taken Psalm 118:8 as my life's verse: "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." This has toughr me that anything that I attempt here must have the Lord's will upon it or I will fail;for I can't do it alone. With God's help all things are possible. Every year, life at Cedarville seems to get better and better. I look forward to when my brother starts school here next year. I have been blessed. Sophomores 209