1985 Miracle Yearbook
RURT SUMMERVaLE Ithough there are relatively few black students at Cedarville, I've found the atmosphere to be an encour- agement to me. I have never felt un- wanted or completely out of place. I must admit, however, that sometimes I have felt like a black speck on a white wall. When I first arrived or Cedarville, I was continually being asked if I could play bas- ketball and if I could "slam." For a while it was mildly disturbing, but I've learned that I can use opportunities like those to bridge the gap of cultures. I have received a lot of opportunities to share some of my cul- ture and lifestyle with other people from different backgrounds. Nor many know what living in the inner city is like, and I have had a chance to share that. At the same time, I've had the opportunity to learn about other areas. To tell you the truth, I hod no idea whatgrowing up on a farm is like, or what it feels like to be surrounded by fields until I come here. I must admit that it's quite different from what I'm used to, but I have enjoyed being our here and experiencing the mid- west lifestyle. I think it's important that we reach our to one another and try to understand one another despite our differences. Entering any situation, whether it be racial or inter- personal, we must strive to accept each other for the worth we have in Christ, who gave us the parable of the Good Samaritan to guide us in our acceptance of others. Let's keep on bridging the gap. Thurman Robert Payton History Rhonda Perkins Accounting Don C. Petek Business Administration Thomas L. Peterson Accounting Amy Louise Phillips Behavioral Science Phyllis M. Phillips Business Adminisrrarion Stephen Matthew Pierce Undeclared Jean Esther Pinkerton Nursing Jeffrey Scott Piper Undedored Rolando Ponce Biology/Premedicine Kathy Deldre Potbury Speech Kim Elaine Potts Business Adminaration Thomas E. Pratt Accounting Dean A. Price Business Administration Douglas Edward Pugh Accounting Ferdinand Henry Rolchel Bible/Preseminary Kimberly Jean Romsier Undeclared Sue Irene Rasmussen Nursing Greg Richard Rawson Business Administration Kora JaneHe Roy Business Administration Patricia J. Reed Undeclared George E. Reede Business Administration Lawrence G. Reeder Accounting Jennifer Eileen Reeves Accounting Sophomores 215
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