1985 Miracle Yearbook
4. ALPHA MU CHI A Alpha Mu Chi is a society for engaged girls which provides fel- lowship, instruction in homemaking and ideas for weddings. Seated: Kim Rupe, Valerie Hite Seared on Couch: Betty Smith, Lori Leach, Heather Heflick, Deb Miller Standing:Tommy Evans, Charlene Hunt, Advi- sor — Ma Prinry, Renee Bowen, Donna Geon Nichols, Karen Troyer, Sandy Pratt, Marcia Yoder C edars staff is made up of students who create and publish the cam- pus newspaper semi-monthly. First Row:Gordon Ooms, Holly Marshall, Kevin Todd Second Row: Sherri Warson, Koren Troyer, Lyle Campbell, Mork Prevost, Sherri Crewer, Shellie Benson, Nancy Crick, Lisa Fawcett Third Row: Jim Liebler, Joy Benson, Stacy Gunther, Bob Kojko, Rurh Muroff, Brian Moos, Mark Home mt. Akr VIM IlKa NNWMIASSK/14 , COMM sige-AiiMONMEMOM,4. 10 42 411.1.1111111 +.1444111MINE 11111116M- Elliaratem CEDARS STAFF 240 Organizations
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