1985 Miracle Yearbook

GAMMA ZETA THETA I KAPPA EPSILON ALPHA Q ammo Zeta Theta is a women's organization which is dedicated to community service. Its functions include raking children to the zoo, cleaning houses and yards, and selling valentine cookie-grams. First Row: Laurie Knowles, Wendy Border, Rhonda Kyser, Lori Howley, Ellen Spencer, Ber- ry Smith Second Row: President — Teresa Carrer, Becky Bennett, DeniseLowe, Brenda Jones, Lisa Fisher, Barbaro Yonda, Alise Alexander Third Row: Advisor — Mrs. Ager, Judy Den- ning, Rhonda Trueman, Julie Gayer, Judy Eag- lesron, Anne Gordon,Cynthia Wagner,Shelley Clemenrs,Kim Ports, Lorene Norton,Cheryl Phil- lips, Suzanne Herr, Betsy Stoltzfus K appa Epislon Alpha provides in- sights into the word of business and promotes free enterprise. Every year they sponsor the "Students in Free Enterprise" conference. Seated: Debbie 13arloglio, President — Mork Horne, Koren Simpson, Linda Woodgare, Mork Marrews, Kathleen Kirby Standing: Dove Smyrh, Joy Martin, Wayne Keisling, Greg Clemens, Judy Runge, Kevin Clark Seared Center: Cregon Cooke, Rob Loy J Organizations 245