1985 Miracle Yearbook

VARSITY "C" VANCE THE VIPER 11 arsity "C" consists of indivi- duals who have earned varsi- ty letters in intercollegiate sports. FrontRow:Gary Coiro, Bruce Richards, Rog- er Luttrell, Bob Fires, Dan Hawk, Norm Cox, Lamar Eiferr, Clancy Cruise, Tom Greve. Bock Row: Noel Hack, Don Olinger, Mork Fleetwood, Tom Ewing — president, Dove Moody, Gory Anderson, Gory Wallace, Dove Yeager, Sreve Terpstra, Kirk Fairhurst, Coach Sreve Young. V once the Viper is a comic strip which appears in the Cedars newspaper to make light of the ups and downs of college life through the adventures of Vance A. Viper. L to R: Robbie the Robot, Cedarville Joe, Tom SaHick, Vance A. Viper, Dr. Ivan Von Schlook, Heroldo Rivera, Gordon Ooms (Creator of Vance the Viper). Organizations 251