1985 Miracle Yearbook

Interested Students Present "Messiah" Once Again P resenting on opportunity for students of varying musical abilities with a common love and interest in singing, the 1984-85 Orato- rio Choir presented selections from G.F. Flan- del's Messiah or Christmas. While many of the participants are involved in other musical reams and groups, many other students who would not normally have such on opportunity ore given a chance to ploy a significant role in a production such os the Messiah. Dr. Charles Ellington, conductor of the choir, characterized the presentation as "o high quality perfor- mance with a God-honoring, worshipful atmo- sphere appropriate to a Christian liberal arts college." This year, the choir was accompanied by a full chamber orchestra conducted by Mr. Karl Srohl. Composed of faculty, students, staff members„08disd guest instrumental- ists, it added a dimension of professionahry and beauty to this season's performance. Oratorio Choir: Michael Anderson, Sarah Barr, Tim Beach, Jeff Besre, Bob Beikert, Peter Bishop, Judith Black, Diane Blosdell, Morrho Bowers, Racnel Bowman,Warren Brown, Jennifer Brugger, Joy Burr, Joy Burcher, Jennifer Butler, Susan Calvert., Jill Campbell, Alberto Carr, Christina Chose, Karhy Clayton, Lonnie Cooper, Morr Creamer, Jana Dow- serr, Jennifer Dye,Rebecca Dye, Julie English, Mike Enmon, Donna Evans, Par Farrow, David Frey, Eileen Friesen, Bon- nie Gores, Tommy Groff, Mark Groves, Ann Gruneisen, Crystal Hancock, Jennifer Houfler, Stephanie Hein, Eric Hel- murh, Cheryl Herr, Cherry Hill, Phillip Hohulin, Sondra Hol- brook, Bern Hughes, Glenn Jones, Wayne Keisling, Mary Knicely, Jane Kroner, Ronald Kunrz,Edward Lonning, Mike Law, Leisha Libby, Cindia Long, Beth Lundsrrum, Amy Lydic, Jeff Lyle, Melissa MocMichael, JeffMain, Stephanie Manning, April Martin, Diane McClure, Sheila Moon,Robert Munson, Tim Murphy, Lori Murray, Diane Noggle, Gory Nonnemocher, Helen Pearson, Susanne Perrort, Becky Pruner, Krisra Reed, Becky Reid, Pam Rickard, Barbaro Riggs, Elizabeth Riggs, Theo Rivera, Renee Rockwood, Tommy Rogers, Judith Runge,Susan Scort, Ronetre Shank, Todd Shannon,Kathy Siberr, Marsha Smith,Pam Smith, Tim Smith, Donna Snyder, Jayne Snyder, Andrew Srrair, Jim Unger, Rick Von Schoik, Rhoda Wagner, Loreno Wesrfoll, Down Winkelman, Steve Wood. Chamber Orchestra: Chris Tupps, Leoro Kim, Bryon Wo Rachel Chambers,Sherry Frank, Brian Reebel, Carol Spicer, John Shuffle, Mary Stahl, Non Shuffle, Allen Koppenhauer, Janice Warren, Jill Sandy, Ed Supplee, David Eller, Terri McKenzie, Angleo Bowling, Mark Twehues, Cynthia Van Treese, Marsha Blaylock, Colin Lord, Lorene Norron,Charles Clevenger, Karl Stahl. 48