1985 Miracle Yearbook

;wordbearers I ercy Hostpital "0 come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us moke ojoyful noise to the rock of our salvo- don. Let us come before his presence with rhonksgiving, ond moke ojoyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is o great God, ond o great king above all gods." Psalm 95:1-3 Seared, Front Row: Randy Johnson, Dove Robinerre. Seated, Second Row: Ron Mackey, Anne Edwards, Jim Reirer (Leader), Shari McAllesrer Jody Peters. Standing: Kim Bragg, Temple Knowles, Melissa MocMichoel, Bryon Crump, Shelly Polsdorfer. "Let your light so shine be- fore men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heav- en." Matthew 5:16 Laurie Benedict, Sue Ellen Block, Teeno Coronoro, Cindy Guido, Beth Hoeke, Tommy Jones, Susan Lafferty, Tanya McBee, Beth Nester, Sue Rosmusson, Tern Youngless. Christian Ministries 61