1985 Miracle Yearbook
Itah Team WCH A.M. For the word of God is quick ond powerful, and sharper rhon any two-edged sword, piercing even to the di- viding asunderofsoulondspirit, ond of thejoints ond morrow, and is o discerner of the thoughts ond intents of the heorr." Hebrews 4:12 Debbie Romaker,Amy Jo Guest, Bren- da Budd, Robert Young, Kendra Doc- ror, Debbie Clem. To the weak become I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am mode oil things to all men, that I mighr by all means save some." 1 Corinthians 9:22 April Ames, Marc Anthony, Dina Bat- chelder, Heather Byrnes, Tony Deme- rri, Lisa Fisher, Robin Hilsmeier, Debbie Holmes, Debbie Johnson, David Kahn, Don Katz, Michelle Longo, Parry Mori- hugh, Kim Murphy, Ken Nichols, Cheryl • Rendle, Melody Schultz, Marlene Sie- fert, Jonoe Smart, Jayne Snyder, Lorry Starkey, Alan Titus, Jenny Titus, Scott VonMeter,Ron Wolter,Bob Ward,Kris- ten Weber, Brent Ziegler. 73
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