1985 Miracle Yearbook
"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I hove loved you, that ye also love one an- other. By this shall oil men know that ye ore my disciples, if ye hove love one to another." John 13: 34-35 Mork Fairhurst, Diane Blosdell, Bob Bei- kert, Sondra Kennedy. "Herein is our love mode perfect, that we may have boldness in the day ofjudge- ment: because as he is, so are we in this world" 1 John 4:17 Denise Bass, Morrho Bowers, Chris Cheek,Paul Chilson, Tomi Eimers, David Frey, Dorci Gorbig, Tommy Groff, Fran Hoskowich, Dan Hawk, Hope Hibbard, Heather MacFarlane, Jeff Martin, Rurh Mason, Rob Meoak, Errin Mulberry, Beth Nester, Lynda Peort, Kris%) Reed, Debra Peters Linda Shaffer, John Ruhly, Vicki Slane, Lila Seesr, Laura Walker, Brenda Sutliff, Cathy Watson, Valerie Teed. Cincinnati Rescue Missioi -1••••••r- Yellow Spring Riding Cente
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