1985 Miracle Yearbook

'Teen Oakes Health Center nnyland Villa "Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also horh loved us, and horh given himselffor us on offering and o sacrifice to God for o sweet-smelling savor." Ephesions 5:1, 2 Kathy Anderson,Sharon Bonzhof, Berh Esther Bucklew, Gail Burden, Birgerr Cass, Paul Collins, Holly Grum- beck,Crystal Hancock,Dove Horrsough (Leader), Kothi Holman,Joel Hoskinson, Jo Hornbeck, Beth Hornbeck, Denise Lowe, Daryl Little, Tom Niederer, Deb- bie Perers, Diane Peterson, Melissa Way, Becky Williams, Rebecca Wilson, Doug Whittenberg, Michelle Yeager. But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare oil thy works." Psalm 73:28 Par Cadle, Chris Corafa, Melody Corner, Karen Firth, John HackBorth, Bob Loror- ello, Tommy Morlond, Riley Morton, Dawn Reehl, Meegon Sonrilli, Kevin Schleinirz, Loreena Wesrfall.