1986 Miracle Yearbook

T raveling quickly through the sidewalk masses, I dodge in one gap and around a slow couple. Finally, after all of my fancy maneuvering, I can see it. There it stands like a shining beacon illuminating the darkened way — the P.O. As I approach the door,the blood begins to course through my veins. My pulse throbs at my temples. The adrenalin is really pumping. I begin my speech as I cross the threshold."Excuse me.""Ouch!""Excuse me!" All around me I hear the disgruntled groans of despondent students. Occasionally I hear a joyous,"A letter!" Finally I'm in front of my box; however,the girl in the next box over is blocking my view. She turns to me with a crestfallen expression and says, "I was supposed to get a letter today. Maybe they don't have all the mail out yet." Silly girl! I've heard that a bizillion times in the last four years. Asshe movesaway,I have a clear view of my box. My spirits soar when I see something in it. With trembling hands I pull out the mail in my box. Intra-campus flyer, letter for box mate, package for box mate, church report for me. Sigh! One last thought goes through my mind. Maybe they haven't got all the mail out yet. Joe C Hanssen Julie Kristin Harman Kristen Diane Harper Jonathan S. Harris Nova Mae Harris Jeri Lynn Hastman Ann Marguerite Hauck Jenny Leigh Havens Ronald Mark Hayes Karen Lynn Haynes Timothy Lewis Haynes Holly Christine Heflick Stephanie Jean Hein Talisha Jean HeIvey Eric William Hempel Stacy L. Heniser Linda Joy Henning Bruce D. Hermann II 104 Underclassmen