1986 Miracle Yearbook

The Village Players present For This Cause: The Ministry and Martyrdom ofJohn and Betty Stam written and directed by David H. Robe) J ohn Stam and Betty Scott met while attending Moody Bible Institute. As college age young people, they dedi- cated their lives to Christ and found His approval on their love. One year after their marriage in 1932, Betty gave birth to a baby girl, Helen Priscilla. Two months later, John and Betty were captured and murdered by rebel Commu- nist forces in China. Thomas A. Carr Charles Scott (father of Betty Stam) Tammy Evans Barber Clara Scott(mother of Betty Stam) James M. Reiter John Stan) Sherry M. Rotramel Betty Stam Mark E. Mathews Radio Announcer,Kenny Scott, Mr. Page, soldier Errin G. Mulberry Radio Announcer,Laddie Scott, Dr. Hiram, Rev. Torrey, soldier Nadine L. Terrill Radio Announcer, Helen Scott, Mrs. Page, servant girl "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. Christ said, 'For this cause came I unto this hour, Father, glorify thy name.' sermon notation written by John Stam shortly before his martyrdom in China. Mr. David H. Robey, author and director of the play With earnest, Betty Stam (Sherry Rotramel) expresses her desire to serve the true and living God. Far above: Mr. Page(Mark Matthews), along with his family, dreams of the great opportunities for mission work in China. 160 For This Cause