1986 Miracle Yearbook

Christian Ministries \ Above: Members of the Greene County Jail team serve God by building friendships and witnessing to inmates through visitation and correspondence. Right: F.W.M. (Fellowship of World Missions) serves God by increasing awareness of world wide missions by promoting student involvement and supporting missionaries in prayer. DAYTON GOSPEL MISSION: Front: Alyson Payne, Amy Belgarde. Second: David Mooney. Mike Witmer, Bryan Schroll. FWM: Front: Becky Sinclair, Wendy Datzrnan, Meredith Steiner, Jill John- son,Ruth Brown,Lila Seest, Mark Duquette.Second:Loreena West. fall, David Sommers, Christie Renberg, Terri MacPherson, Grace Young, Margaret Wildman,Susan Sta[ter, Angela Yost. Third: Dan Hawk,Mike Basler, Elizabeth Hansen,Cory Neumann,Lori Spiegel, Brian Baab, Julie Stitt. Rose Ann Nemecek. GREENE COUNTY JAIL: Front: Jeff Leach, Mary Jones, Suzanne Herr, Brian Ethridge. Second: Glenn Streeter, Tim Abramowitz. 6 Christian Ministries