1987 Miracle Yearbook

218 FINISH LINE Glenville State Inv. Cedarville Inv. Tiffin Inv. Wright State Inv. Capital Inv. Miami-Hamilton Inv. NCCAA District III MOC Match (Walsh) Malone Inv. NAIA District 22 13th out of 15 6th out of 12 8th out of 12 11th out of 12 14th out of 15 3rd out of 8 3rd out of 6 4th out of 5 13th out of 15 4th out of 8 Mork Reed,John Kohlmeyer, Doug Phillips, Bob Armor, Shown Hess, Kelly Belt, Willie Deshersky, Head Coach, Al Monroe Anticipated Improvement In its second consecutive "rebuilding" year, rhe 1987 golf team posed no threat to rhe school records for team scores. Mark Reed led rhe ream for his third straight year, though it was not his best season. Competing with Mark for the top position wassophomore John Kohl- meyer, who had several brilliant rounds this season. Doug Phillips, rhe only senior on rhe ream, managed to play consistently through- out his final season or Cedarville. Junior Bob Armor rounded off the top four with a fairly good,though often disappointing season. Willie Deshersky, Kelly Bell, and Shawn Hess vied for the fifth position, though Shown rook over for rhe final halt of rhe season. Though the team overall did nor play as well as they hoped they would, Mark Reed finished in the top 10 or the MOC match and placed fourth in the NAIA District 22 tournament, where he was named to rhe All-District ream. Doug Phillips Wilii DeshetsAy