1987 Miracle Yearbook

FROM THE EDITOR I cannot keep from thanking rhe Lord for bringing me through 1986 — the rhost painful year of my life He accom- plished this through reaching me many life-changing lessons and through sending many dear people into rhe sphere of my friendships God has certainly blessed my life with people] God has also blessed rhe life of Cedarville College with people — godly people like Dr. Mc Kinney,Dr. McChesney, Dr. Jeremiah, Dr. Dixon and hundreds of orhers God has used these people to bring Cedarville College through many hardships and to bless the lives of thousands As I reflect upon my own life and thank God for the many dear friends(both old and new)He has given me,I also thank Him for Cedarville College and for the scores of people who have labored to make it what it is today. May God continue to bless the college so that it may continue to glorify Him! hill Acknowledgemenrs To Mrs D for your support and loving concern rhroug' out this trying year,to Donnah Barker for your hard work and dear friendship (GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR!), to all of my staff for the gallons of "midnight oil" you burned,to all students,faculty,and staff who wrote copy and showed up for pictures, to Tina Daley, fall quarter secretory; to Margaret Richards and Elayne Howard for your artistic contributions, to Dr. Dixon for your understanding when I hod to call Mrs Oat home(and always interrupted "Cosby" and Reds games), to Mom and Dad for your just being there! 230 Miracle Staff JEFFREY BERGANDINE Editor-In-Chief MRS. PAT DIXON Advisor DANNAH BARKER Assistant-to-the-Editor