1987 Miracle Yearbook

or kV years Cedarville College has stood strong, unwavering in its commitment to the cause of Christ. Qod has blessed thisfaithfulness by carrying ourschoolthrough the very core ofhardshipsand trials. When to the world it seemed that there was no hope for Cedarville College, faithful mai persevered, and time Lord blessed them with what seemed to have been an impossibility — a miracle. Hecause the ,Cord's power has worked through Cedarville, our annual is proudly named "ne ,ltirade." Cedarville College can proudly reflect upon its first 1a)years and can look forward to dili:gently protecting "the word of Okt and test/mo/mg of fesus "Re sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." IPeter 5:8