1987 Miracle Yearbook

SCIENCE HALL RECREATION HALL a Red Cross disaster ream on campus. As the years passed and the college grew, Dr. Jeremiah once again showed his faithfulness as a sreward of God's gifrs. The college had expanded by 1976 ro an en- rollment of 1221, a population which re- quired two chapel services. As Jeremiah surveyed the needs of the college, he realized that new facilities would have to be built, requiring a leadership full of ener- gy and vitality. Unsure of his ability to fulfill such an awesome responsibility, Jeremiah wrote in 1978, "My question is, how can I best help in rhe program of progress that lies before us? Frankly I am not sure I can carry the heavy responsibility that is required of me With the good of rhe college in mind, Jeremiah decided that the best steward- ship would be his resignation and rhe pass- ing of respOnsibility to a younger man with more of rhe physical resources needed to perform the awesome job of president. History 29