1988 Miracle Yearbook

POLITICAL FIGURES Oliver North 4% Jerry Falwell 2% George Bush 2% Margaret Thatcher 2% Ronald Reagan reigns! Though the vote was spread among 34 political figures, in- cluding Jerry Falwell, Margaret Thatcher, and Cedarville's own Jim Phipps, the 1984 landslide president does it again.The Repub- lican party again has had its influence as its leader is again favored by the polls. Presi- dent Reagan seems to have captured the at- tention of the Cedarville student body and will no doubt be missed. Tupps, Kevin Upchurch, Byron VanEaton, Susan VanPatten, Sharon Wagner, Tim Warstler, Kevin Warwshuis, Deborah Watson, Kristine Tucker, Rebecca Watson, Noelle Weber, Bonnie Weber, Brian Wedlake, Scott Wells, Barbara Wenger, Christine Whalen, Derek Whaley, Laura Whaley, Linda Wheeler, Wendy Whittaker, Jennifer Widder, Suzy Wiggins, Carol Wildman, Margaret Williams, Jill Cedarville's Emergency Medical squad is on call day and night. Williams, Molly Williamson, Jennifer Willis, Linda Wilson, Kirt Wilt, Lara Wittmer, Mike Wojnarowski, Matthew Wolf, Charisse Woodard, Michael Woughter, Richard Wright, Alastair Wright, Angela Wright, Shawna Yatsko, Janice Young, Timothy Yousey, Lynette Yu, Monika Zeigler, Dawn Zimmerle, Lisa H210140HdOS NVI4HSHMI JUNIORS 107