1988 Miracle Yearbook
Feared and Favorite FAVORED: FEARED: Humanities 20% Foundations 25% Foundations 14% Speech 12% Biology 12% Composition 9% Speech 8% N.T.Survey 8% U.S.History 5% U.S.History 8% Professor "Uncle Al" Monroe seems to be quite successful at one thing-- arousing emo- tions. Though 25% of the student body ad- mitted to fearfully approaching Foundations of Social Science, the course was redeemed by the 14% who applauded it as their favor- ite! Humanities came out as the overall fa- vorite course of the student body and Princi- ples of Biology came in third. Speech and Composition both were approached with some fear by students. Free!, Stephen Frenkiel, Cynthia Frisbe, Carolyn Fuller, Dennis Fultz, Donald Fyffe, Laura Gagnebin, Linda Gaines, Brian Gallup. Michele Gauer, Eric George. Julie Gerber, Heidi Gerwolds, Misti Gibson. Carolyn Gifford, Amanda Gillis, Dawn Glick, Terri Goode, Kim Graham, Coy Greene, Tamara Gromko, Christina Gross, Annora Haas, Linda Hague, Andrea Hagy, Charles Haines, Daniel Halstead, Jeff Halverson. Randal Harker, Kim Harriott, Pamela Harris, Shelley Harrison. Gary Harty, Melanie Hartzell, Neil Hashberger, Kristi Hawkins, Marcia Hayden, Daniel Hayes. Henry Heller, Chris Helmuth, Joan Henry, Travis Hess, Steven Hetherington, Scott Hicks. Sean Hill, Krista Hill, Thomas Hinnergardt. David Freshmen 119 MVI•IHS321,4
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