1988 Miracle Yearbook

Preferred Pizza Noble Roman's 10% Little Caesar's 9% Domino's 3% D.J.'s 2% Cedarville students like all college co-eds, thrive on the scruptous taste of piping hot, melting pizza. Though a large variety of hometown pizza shops appeared, the over- whelming favorite of Cedarville students seems to be found at Pizza Hut: specifically, the favored pizza is a pepperoni pan pizza! Other favorite items on pizzas were sausage, mushroom, extra cheese and "the works!" Perrigo, Matt Peters, Sara Petersen, Kim Petruna, Matthew Phillips, Dawn Phillips, Dawn D. Pickering, Seth Pierce, Kimberley Pierson, Douglas Plunkitt, Mary Beth Polsdorfer, Deborah Post, Laurie Powers, Tracy Price, Monica Pugh, Teri Quinn, Carrie Rains, Kevin Reed, Becky Reed, Daniel Reese, Dan Regenold, Barry Reichart, Paul Richey, Daniel Riedman, Penny RineIla, Lisa Rising, Lyndell Robinson, Polly Rockenbaugh, Theresa Rogers, Susan Rollings, Darla Roop, Clifford Rose, Jeanne Ross, Steve Rubin, Tim Russell, Mark Russell, Tim Sainato, Jennifer Samples, Shannon Sarver, Valeta Saucier, Joan Schaffner, Ron Schearer, Daniel Schill, Karen Schindewolf, Tonya Schulz, Dwight Sechrist, Linda Sechrist, Todd Freshmen 123 NVWHSH21,3