1988 Miracle Yearbook

S ome strange traditions exist around Cedarville cam- pus, but one of the strangest is the fascination with fright. During Halloween,students travel to Cincinnati, Dayton,Columbus,Xenia,Fairbom,and Beavercreek to tour different ghost haunts. There are haunted warehouses,hos- pitals, caves, hayrides, and the ever-popular haunted houses.Ofcourse,students never attend alone.They gather by the carloads to take a trip into "monster land." Forsome reason, these "haunted spots" are a favorite place for cou- ples to visit. Junior John Kreuger said,"A haunted house is one ofthe mostromantic places to take a date."A frightened young woman will often jump into the arms of a waiting young man when a chain saw comesout ofnowhere.Sopho- more Mike Bragg added,"It's nice to be scared by someone other than the deans." The haunted season takes place in the last two weeks of October. Usually, students can't stop with just one haunt; they visit as many as possible in that two week period. Each house is different, and the thrill never ends. After Halloween is over,things get back to normal. Yet,the fright fascination continues on the with the legendary "Crybaby Bridge." Sophomore Chuck Grizzard feels that"Crybaby Bridge is the best place to go for a scare." In Cedarville,the love ofhorror never ceases. , Fall quarter always brings Christmas Open House,and this year Don Simerly got a present from Wil- lett's little elves. Earli- er in the quarter, some dressed up for Halloween, while oth- ers found different ex- cuses to look strange. 132 Fall Snapshots The freshmen took their an- nual trek to the Indian Mound,and besides getting some exercise and a pretty view,they gained a friend or two along the way.