1988 Miracle Yearbook

154 Organizations Chi Theta Pi First Row - Sherri Hannay, Cory Neu- mann, Enda Kleinpeter, Cheryl Ortloff, Heather Fowler.Second Row - Meredith Steiner, John Helmick, Bonnie Snyder, Penney Stackhouse, Amy Cooper, Ro- lando Ponce. Third Row -Dr. Larry Hel- mick, Melissa Bener, Joel Hayden, Lila Seest, Heather Moody, Stephen Ross. • Gamma Chi First Row - Tammie Nasse, Jenny Ha- vens, Lisa Vaughn. Second Row - Sue Nash, Becky Orton, Michelle Prince, Debbie Elliot. • GZT First Row - Valerie Smallman, Melissa Way, Melissa Wison,Cheryl Ortioff, Top Row - 'Betsy Stoltzfus, Julie Carter, Mona Larsen, Chris Carpenter. • ADO First Row - Ruth Margraff,Penney Stack- house,Janie Bresson, April Banks, Mi- chelle Lelah, Tammy Jenkins, Kristina Hoddelmann, Second Row - Heather Stretch, Carla Curry, Theresa Dunlap, Sharon Tinkler, Kathy O'Kresik, Laurie Gross, Cheryl Gilbert, Jennifer Whitta- ker. Third Row- Caryn Barber, Kristine Watson, Becky Peters, Gayle Ruggles, Jennifer Patty, Kendra King, Debby Ager, Kristie Marshall, Pam Commons. Intercollegiate debate is a rigorous competition that combines the disci- plines ofSocial Sciences and Communi- cations. A debate team consists of two speakers who prepare to argue both the affirmative and negative sides ofa ques- tion. The 1987 National Debate Tourna- ment question was resolved: The United States should significantly reduce its military commitments to NATO member states. Kristyn Johnson and Christian Pi- let competed in several tournaments with this subject. With the help ofcoach Deborah 1-laffey, they have renewed an old tradition ofdebate at Cedarville Col- lege. As the program grows, it will con- tribute to the already successful Foren- sics program. Students' efforts are rewarded as they develop competitive debate skills.