1988 Miracle Yearbook

The Special Performances of Band and Chorale and and Chorale have shared their music with the college for years. They have entertained stu- dents with their pop music and moved students with their classical mel- odies, adding a dimension of culture to the campus. The visit of conductor/composer Al- fred Reed and the performance he di- rected wasthe most memorable eventof the year for band member,David Cook. "It was really an honor to play under him," remembered Cook,"and playing difficult music was a challenge that was very satisfying." Director Mike DiCuirci summed up his feelings on the group when he said, "They were a well-bal- The 1987-88 Symphonic Band. Piccolo: Cheryl Ortloff. Flutes: Ei- leen Friesen, Patti Will, Jennifer Taft, Lisa Rogge,Joanne Thomp- son, Shed Larkin, Wendy Miller, Jacquie Leshan, Carolyn Frisbie, Michelle Bendt, Michelle Carlyss. Oboe:Lynn Ramsey,Amy Barber. Bassoon: Steve Staiter. Saxes: Brad Gregory, Lara Wilt, Mark Cost- ley, Mark Biddinger, Carla Johnson,John Shirley. Clarinets: Linda Frye, Sue Brown, Shed King, Linda Leshan, Jack' Becker, Patti LeCriux. Cheryl Warren, Liz Miller, Charisse Wolf, Renee Barengo, Debbie Wolf, Lisa Marks, Lara Jean McNabney. E Clarinet: Beth /Urine. Bass Clarinet: Paula Howard, Joan Saucier. French Horn: Eileen Thompson, Joelie Swartz, Kristine Watson, Debbie Warn- shuls, Cindy Wolf, Elisabeth Smith.Trumpet:John Stephens, Mark George,Andy Bidien, Mike Wittmer, Mark Meyers,Charles Pagnard, Jeff Bather, Dwight Schultz, Nell Hartzell, Mike Wood. Baritone Horn:Sandy Weaver,Randy Oswald,Brenda liollopeter. Trombone: Bill Rodebaugh, Matt Culbertson, Craig Terrill, R. Lynell Smith, Dave Burkely, Mark Wamshuls, Rod Frank. Tuba: Phil Rice, Tim Wagner, Todd Hummel. Percussion: Dave Cook, Leah Robbins, Becky Orton,Stephanie Manning,Eric Johnson,Becky MacDonald. The 1987-88 Concert Chorale. Soprano: Mara Blackburn,Kathy Christianson, Beth Dawson, Mel- ody Ferguson, Beth Hughes, Jennifer Lenhart, Sandra Moyer, Sue Perrott, Jeniffer Shade, Kim Sweet, Andrea Unger, Jodi Wilson, Alto: Lisa Da- vidson, Debbie Dunzweiler, Eileen Friesen, Linda Frye, Karen Haynes, Michelle Hinnergardt, Lisa Hurst, Tracey Lewis, Stephanie Manning, Jolene Merck, Becky Prunner, Lisa Rogge, Becky Smith. Tenor: Eric Adnams, Doug Filter, Todd Hummel, David Kohlmeyer, David Mooney, Darin Struble. Bass: Steve Averitt, Quentin Eshleman, Gregory Gibbs, Mark Groves, Randy Halverson, Dwayne Hoff, John Kohlmeyer, Dwight McGuire, Stephen Panther, Rob Paswaters. Special performances in con- cert and in chapel; plus out- standing recitalists. =168 Band-Chorale-Recitalists anced, congenial unit with a good spirit that appreciated good music."The band also traveled north on a tour in May and performed at various school events,cul- minating with the Pops Concert with Neilson and Young during Parents' Weekend. The Concert Chorale enjoyed a fruitful year of ministry through con- certs given on campus, in churches, and on a tour to Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania.The four day tour was a time of"fun and growing, because you got tospend quality time with those in the group; you minister to one another, as well as those in the churches. You can't beat it!" commented senior Mu- sic Education major, Stephanie Man- ning. Greg Gibbs,a sophomore Com- munication Arts major, agreed saying,"The peak ofthe year was the tour,and I saw the members develop closeness and a surprising unity." 7 7