1988 Miracle Yearbook

Special Chapels C hapel is a time of refresh- chapel. He presented a humorous ment for the soul. This year message on the serious need for Cedarville had the privilege children's ministries. of hav- Dr. Dixon's ing the Central messages on commitment State Universi- ty Choir, Steve Green, Dr. Da- vid Burnham, Dr. Dixon's Monday mes- sages, and "A good marriage is not the problem of finding the right person, but be- coming the right per- son." - H. Hendricks others. Dr. Howard Hendricks, faculty member of Dallas Theological Seminary, brought a series of cha- pel messages on "The Christian Home," for the annual Staley Dis- tinguished Christian Scholar Lec- ture Program. In his lectures, Dr. Hendricks addressed the topic on the Christian home. Uncle Charlie from "Children's Bible Hour" was also a guest in have inspired students to change their lives. His en- thusiasm for God is conta- gious. Senior Pre-seminary major, Dan Gaskell mentioned thatsome ofhis favorite chapels were the drama presenta- tions by Dr. John Reed of Dallas Theological Seminary, Professor David Warren'ssermon on relation- ships, and "the one chapel where we sang a lot ofthe oldersongs like '0 Sweet Wonder' and others. It's hard to choose a favorite one!" Dr. Howard Hendricks presented the Word of God in a practical way. Cedarville College was honored to have Dr. Hendricks for the Staley Lectureship in Winter Quarter. 18 Special Chapels The Southgate Children's Choir performs the musical "Good King Wenceslas" during Fall Quarter. The choir, under the direction of Shelly Lopez and Sandy Schlappi, performed "We Like Sheep" in the Spring Quarter. Some chapels were made special by members of the college family. Dr. David Matson and Dr. Charles Ellington perform a special duet ministry.