1988 Miracle Yearbook

26 Organizations Residential Services First row: Marla Coffey,Amy Armstrong, Tess Bailey, Second Row: Mike Wood, Tammy Jenkins, Cheryl Gilbert, Jenni- fer Sainate, Cary Shaw. Wittenberg Evangelism First Row: Philip Brunner, Kelly Fath, Sue Moyer,Scott Boyer,Mark Murdoch. Second row: Ron Schaffner, Victoir Ca- hoon, Mark Sallee, Bobby HiIe. OVCH-a.m. First row: Amy DeCook, Melanie Harty, Mark Biddinger, Jim Breuler, Jennifer Whittaker, Kathy Hawley, Rolando Pon- ce. Second row: Donna Moyer, Kelly Marsh,Karen Burhoe,Beth Moon,Kara Yant, Sherri Bauer, Michael Landis, Terri Wingate. Third row: Tyler Bragg, Joanna Rudelltch, Alice Merkh, Amy Holtmann, Wendy Rose, Eric Adnams, Wendy Boice, Dave Weaver. Dayton Detention First row: Donna Helm, Melinda Meng, Craig Ritchie,Jim Gerakinis,Pam Com- mons.Second row:Carla Curry,Debbie Rotrammel, Christie Umbzugh, Lisa Bengston, Conrad Weaver. Third row: Melody Ferguson, Mark Zearfus, Todd Hummel, Richard Wells, Lynette Price. r he Ohio Veteran's Children's Home has been a center ofone of the most active compassion min- istries for Cedarville since 1959. The di- rectors at OVCH approached Cedarville that year to teach Sunday School.Since then, the ministry has developed into a tutoring service, Bible studies through- outthe week,group activities on Sunday evenings as well as Sunday morning ser- vices. Approximately 100 students min- ister almost daily to the needs of the troubled children at OVCH. Tina Love recalled, "I could barely stand to be there. The children were so lost and some so lonely. Some wouldn't have anyone if it weren't for Cedarville."