1988 Miracle Yearbook

28 Organizations YRC First Row - Esther Woodbridge, Carla Johnson. Second Row - Jennifer Mc- Donald,Bob Kennedy,Kim Hughes,Ka- tie Beaman,Jenny Fink, Gretchen Men- dell, Amy Wicheal, Kristi Hashberger. • Greene County Jail First Row - Christina Weaver, Vic Had- dad, Dave Ryan, Dan Byrum. Second Row - Tammy Echlin, Rhonda Heise, Debbie Borleis, Dana Guy, David Hoecke. Third Row - Brian Ethridge, Scott Poling, Kirk Belmont, Joel Lum, Dennis McMicheal. • Odd Fellows First Row - Gregg O'Dell, Peter Emigh, Susan Williams, Deborah Palsodorfer, Mike Koeing. Second Row - Emily Dav- enport, Jennifer Chon, Kim Bailey, Christina Stanch, Julie Young. Third Row - Rod Perkins, Patrick Loudin, Dan Kester. Vandalia Awana First Row - Heidi Laub,Jeff Kohl,Bev Nelson. Second Row - Debbie Wolf, Kari Clark. Karen SchIII, Carrle Quinn. Third Row - Blida Klein- peter, Karen Acker, Liz Miller. For over fifteeynears, Cedarville Col- lege students have ministered to prison- ers at Greene County Jail. The seven- teen member team was split into two teams.One team wrote letters to the in- mates and the other visited them per- sonally. The groups were both dedicat- ed to building relationships while sharing the gospel. Inmates responded to Cedarville students with general openness. Kirk Keller, director of Com- passion Ministries, explains, "The in- mates were free to getinvolved ortojust go about their business." Two prisoners were saved last year and many were dis- cipled. Scott Poling,team leader reflect- ed,"Many times we would go to minister to them and they would end up minister- ing to us."