1988 Miracle Yearbook

32 Organizations Bethesda Rehab Center First Row - Steve Weber,Ken Oster, Vicki Phil- lips. Second Row - Evette Love, David Butger- eit, LelLani Pritts, Mark Reehl,BethAnn Smith. Third Row - Stephen Fisher, Greg liobaugh, Jennifer Brandt, Philip Cruz, Loraiee Cruz, Steve Smith. Greene Memorial First Row- Danna Lichty, Valerie Vandenvest, Coy Graham, Kristi Hashberger, Susan Brad- way.Second Row - JanetStauffer,Tim Holmes, Kim Wisdom, Noelle Watson, Kim Gilmour, Jacquie Leshan. Third Row - Danielle Kirkpat- rick, Lisa tierroon, Cheryl Ortloff, Heather Moody,Brenda Montford, Christine Weiman. Heathergreene II First Row- Penny Riedman, Kendra King,Brad Bresson, Penney Stackhouse. Second Row - Polly Robinson, Joanne Thompson, Michele Carlyss, Wendy Adkins, Christina Jackson. Third Row- Steve Moyer,George Gibbs,Derek Hughes,Jeff Morton. • Swordbearers First Row - Donna Biumenstock,Larissa Berry, Betsy Stoltzfus, Julie Abbott, Raquel Largent, Daniel Hale, Alicia Veisz, Sherri Gerdes. Sec- ond Row-Jody Burtis,Steve Murphy,Tim Can- terbury,Julie Titus,JeffSanders,Stephen Ger- hardt, Linda Gagnebin, Third Row • Michelle Dalton,Cynthia Wagner,Kristyn Johnson,Rod liaseitine, Mindy Brocious, Patti LeCroix, Wayne Chase, Fourth Row - David Mooney, Patrick Drury, Scott Deetz, Paul Smoot,Tami Greene, Dwight McGuire. / n 1986,Jennifer 1-lauffler, who gradu- ated in 1988, saw the need for an addition to the compassion minis- tries at Cedarville. The school saw this addition come to life in the form of clowns.Clowns for Christ is a ministry of students who enjoy working with chil- dren and making then laugh. The stu- dents had their own clown costumes and practiced skits, stories and other methodsofsharing the gospel and disci- piing young Christians while at thesame time making them laugh. Over 20 stu- dents have been involved annually since the team began. The members travel to children's clubs, nursing homes, youth rallies and special church activities. The team hasseen such success in two years that plans have been made to form two Clowns for Christ teams.