1988 Miracle Yearbook

A System of Che James T. Jeremiah Eugene Apple Francis Bresson William A. Brock Gilbert Brueckner James B. Carraher Jack Cline Bill Commons John Draxler George Engelmann Larry Fetzer Joseph Godwin Roy Guenin David Graham Jim Henninger r he purpose and function of the Board of Trustees have often eluded stu- dents.It has seemed,as one stu- dent said,that,"I've heard a lot about them, yet I've never real- ly known what they do . . . they're like a distant, reveren- tial father to be feared." Yet the Trustees are not dis- tant. They are aware of every major element—whether it be a financial, student, or staff/fa- culty problem—that concerns the college. The Board migrates to Cedar- ville quarterly to review and plan. As Dr. Jeremiah said, "They don't run the college, but they set the rules of the game." Their topics of discussion might Include: the appointment of a President; the hiring and pro- moting of college employees; the financial plans, ranging from the General Fund to en- dowments and investments;any changes in the educational pro- grams; and policies related to extra-curricular activities. 36 Board Of Trustees