1988 Miracle Yearbook

GRADUATION! 6 raduation festivities jumped off to a start on Friday, June 3, 1988 when forty-four Nursing stu- dents received their pins at their graduating convoca- tion. The Nursing faculty rec- ognized Wendy Bell and Ruth Morris for their high academ- ic achievement. The award for clinical practice was given to Sharon Kresge. One facu1 ty member ob- served, "This class displayed such unity. They were so support- ive of one another." The eve- ning was fol- lowed by Parents Night in the Chapel. More se- niors than any other class in the past participated in the evening of skits and remem- brances that were performed for the parents. A most unusual side show that many graduates were not even aware of was The Van Beveren Twins. Toni and Terri Van Beveren switched identities for the entire cere- mony. These "womb-mates" planned to do this long be- fore June 4 came around - even before their freshman year. Throughout their lives, the "mirror twins" confused people. When Presi- dent Dixon announced the female recipient of the Presi- dent's Tro- phy, Toni halted for a second be- fore going up to accept it for Terri. Should she? The irony was it didn't make any Preparing for graduation, the graduates met in the Student Center to adjust caps and gowns and find their proper place in a line of a few hundred. difference. Not only had Terri re- ceived the honor, but also Toni was the second female recipient. In the end,they were both in the right place at the right time with the rightface to the right name. oni Van Bevcrcn and Terd Van Beveren proved to be the untold story of graduation day and not because they were the double recipient of the Presidents Trophy. The twins switched ities throughout the entire service, 48 Graduation endra King followed in fine as the Nursing lass of 1988 marched into thcir convocation service to be pinned. The service is a gradua- tion of their own for the Nursing Department.