1988 Miracle Yearbook
Testifying to the community- Philadelphia Phil- lies third baseman, Mike Schmidt, visited Ce- darville during winter quarter. lie boldly pro- claimed his testimony to the local media. frt TNEY COULD WARE IT WITY TNE WORLD! inistering to the col- lege family, communi- ty, nation, and world enabled Cedarville College to share the Difference. Chapel services, compassion ministries, travel- ing teams and the Missionary Internship Service served as ve- hicles for sharing God's Word. The Difference can be experi- enced by the world. Every per- son can experience a life of eternal fulfillment through Je- sus Christ. It was for this pur- pose that Cedarville wasfound- ed. It is for this reason that there is a difference, and by God's grace, it will be for this Difference that it will grow.
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