1988 Miracle Yearbook

Bush vs. Rather "Trying to be persistent about answers is part of a reporter's job." (Dan Rather, CBS News Anchorman) "The worst time I've had in 20 years in public life. Two weeks before a primary." (George Bush, U.S. Vice President) These were their reactions to their public con- frontation in the midst of a CBS interview with the Vice-President. Bush clearly "won" the de- bate, but Rather revived questions about his role in the Iran-Contra affair. "WELCOME HOME, NANCY" read a banner on the White House when President Reagan escorted his wife home from the Bethesda Naval Hospital where she underwent breast cancer surgery. PERSONALITIES TELEVISION EVANGELISTS STUMBLED begin- ning with Jim and Tammy Bakker. They re- signed from PTL ministries after he confessed to a sexual encounter with a young woman,and she began treatment for drug dependency. MISS MICHIGAN WON the Miss America 1988 crown. Miss Kaye Lani Rae Ratko shook the talent competition with her Polynesian dance. PREACHERS? "I'm asking you to help extend my life." (Oral Rob- erts-- during a plea for $4.5 million to be contributed to his ministry.) "God deliver us from these pretty little boys... calling themselves preachers of the gospel."(Jimmy Swag- gart--months before soliciting the services of a prosti- tute.) r he entertainment world saw the premiere of a new play on Broadway."The Phan- tom ofthe Opera" created a mu- sical sensation as it broke the Broadway record of $12 million in advance sales. Another event that was compara- ble in sales, but not in culture, was the exciting re-match of the two go- liaths of professional wrestling. The world's most watched wrestling match in history proved too much for the champion, Hulk Hogan. Andre the Giant, weighing in at 7'4", 400 pounds, successfully stole the championship belt much to the chagrin of millions of tiny "Hulksters." Just when everyone thought it was safe to turn the TV back on, the Vice President was "Bush- wacked" by the "not-so-ever-pre- sent" Dan Rather. A few weeks earlier, Rather had stormed off the set to protest extended coverage of a U.S. Open Tennis match. The screen went black for 6 minutes un- til Rather returned. Many viewers felt that it was the most accurate six minutes of news coverage in te- levison history. As George Bush was planning to enter the White House, Ronald Reagan,one of America's most es- teemed personalities, was prepar- ing for his departure from Washing- ton after two terms of service.