1988 Miracle Yearbook

Class Memories W hen the freshmen of 1984 witnessed Gary Percesepe and Mike Lo- pez on all fours barking, scratching, and whimpering for "Fifl"as a Cedar Whatgimmick, they knew that the Class of'88 epoc had begun. It was the era of"Think Pink"and The Lady of the Lake. The rock was deport- ed and submitted to an attempt- ed burning, and Dr. Gro- macki stripped down to his boxers in Chapel. Jeff Ber- gandine, sophomore class presi- dent, predict- ed that he will miss Dr. Dixon's Mon- day Morning Tidings (mi- nus the hys- terical mouse which visited on a certain Friday). Bob Gresh distinctly re- calls buying 480 artificial roses for a fund raiser as president of the freshmen class. "The lady told Errin Mulberry that she would take the ones back that we didn't sell," Bob reported. However, after selling 110 roses, the lady then decided that she could not take them back at all. And thosefake roses haveshown up eversince in var- ious skits, banquets,and finally on the Chapel lawn "to their women" from Ron Mackey and Dan Hale. Tim Beach led the class as president for two years. His most out- standing memory comes from theju- nior class officer elec- tions. To this day he does not know what compelled him to say the remark for which he is now famous. The class went into The class of 1988 will long remember Cedar What '84 which kicked off their college career during their freshman year. hysterics when this conserva- tive , po- tential president of the class of 1988 said, "I just want to make our class better than average be- cause average is only the worst ofthe best and the cream ofthe "I will remember the ballet of The Nutcracker „Suit as performed by Errin Mulberry, Brad Bresson, Steve Moyer, Mark Groves and Tim Beach at our Christmas parties." - Crissy Friedkin "I was a conimunter from Plane City (45 minutes from campu never forget driving all the way to campus in the ice to find out that classes were cancelled because of no electricity." - Chester Lehman "Who could forge walked into chapel jacket with 20 lapel socks, black shoes, huge Bible." when Dr. Dixon wearing a plaid pins, white tube and carrying a - Jill Slayton 92 Memories