1988 Miracle Yearbook
The Final Forty Days 0 n April 24th,all members of the senior class re- ceived a bitter-sweet shock of reality when they went to their post office box. On that day they received a "Final For- ty" calendar. Many, for the first time realized that the end was indeed near. When that realiza- tion set in, so did the fun. Seniors spent their final forty days at- tending the celebratory events that were on their calen- dars. Se- nior Night provided a new twist to the end ofthe year, as the se- niors boarded a dinner boat for a cruise down the Ohio River. A final class meet- ing was marked by the lack of a class election for next years officers. The Junior/ Senior Banquet was an evening full offun and good food with a highlight being the Central State Quartet. As the days ticked by though seniors all found their own way to celebrate. Many spent their time partici- pating in senior chapel prepara- tions or senior night skit prac- tice. Some took weekend trips with their close friends. And many of the men threw those glistening "rocks" to the wom- en of their liking at the last mo- ment. Bob Gresh chose to daz- zle Dannah Barker with a diamond dur- ing Senior Night in front of2,000 view- ers."I want- ed to share it with our friends and families," said Gresh later. No mat- ter what they spent their time doing, they were all preparing for one thing... graduation. The day when their college ca- reer would be finalized forever. And it could not have happened soon enough. Seniors hung their final forty calendars proudly and visibly.Many took time to mark offeach day as they counted down the days until graduation. Lori Ottaway floated out of the post office with a smile on her face.Mostseniors were all smiles during those final forty days. 94 The final forty Gwen Price. Amy McKibben, Jeff Bergandine, Sharon Michael,and Tim Willmssang the senior class song written by a class member who based It on a verse in II Samuel.The entire class sang it to end Senior Chapel.
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