1989 Miracle Yearbook

Cast: Dr. David Robey -director, Kirt Wilson - student director, Diane Davidson, David Munger, Bonnie Miller, Donna Payne, Carrie Quinn, Stacy Muller, Andrew Rudd, Hollee Stover, Alicia Diller, Greg Gibbs, Lyndell Rising, Todd Yonker, Gary Clemmer, Robyn Graham, Tom Carroll, Brian Brock, Scott Poling, Matthew Moore, and Jeff Joiner. Tituba names people she has seen with the devil John Proctor embraces his wife moments before being led away to his execution. "Her claws, she's stretching her claws..." below left: "You drank blood, Abby. You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife." below right: "Don't touch me! You are the devil's man." 136 Winter Drama Production